They Won’t Budge: Africans in Europe
August 17, 2009 · Leave a Comment
By Tanya Watts
“They Won’t Budge: Africans in Europe,” Courtesy of the Department of Social & Cultural Analysis, New York University
They Won’t Budge: Africans in Europe, currently on view at the Harlem-based Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, is a welcomed wake up call to the myopia of a very American view of the black experience.
Dissonant and peaceful, vivacious and lifeless, spiritual and whimsical, the portraits on display both speak across cultures and pinpoint a specificity of migratory moments. Traipsing through local migrant neighborhoods that are affected by global policies; tracing migratory patterns with imperial and colonial undertones; and translating stories of hope for a better life despite harsh current realities are the huge undertakings of They Won’t Budge.