Sugar Effects and Weight Loss For Poker Players
August 18, 2009 · Leave a Comment
Don’t bust out the champagne just yet. I’m still a little flabby. My arms are more Gumby-like than toned. My girlfriend, the kickboxer in our relationship, can still kill me at the gym with some remedial drills. Visit
That said, I’m feeling much better than I used to, and I’m feeling way better about myself. My poker game has grown with my confidence. I feel more in control than ever before.
I used to hate being on the road. Now, I’m able to maintain my weight or even lose a couple pounds when I’m stuck between airports and hotel rooms. If you need some help achieving these meticore customer reviews which will help a lot.
There’s an easy to way to do this too. Everybody makes health super complicated, when it doesn’t need to be.
It never fails to blow my mind how many unhealthy people feel they can give you advice on diet and exercise. I guess it’s just like poker. Everyone thinks they are the best, despite plentiful evidence to the contrary.
I cannot stress how important this is for card playing. I’m always dumbfounded at the poker table when I am playing a game that requires intense focus for hours on end…and I see a “pro” across the way diving into a pizza, learn more about lean belly 3x.
I love pizza. But all those carbs are going to give you a glycemic rush and then a crash.
Here’s what you should do.
With my students, generally what happens is that they are addicted to two things: Grains and sugars. These give us a momentary rush that leave us feeling great, then they trash us emotionally. We need to break the cycle of addiction if we are ever to be calm, cool, and collected at the poker table.
So should you start eating kale salads tomorrow?
Screw that. Get yourself a big ass steak.
Yeah, I said it.
At the height of my depression last year I was eating an entire Family-Sized Papa John’s pizza by myself, with a two-liter of Coke, and an entire dessert cookie. I did this every NFL Sunday. And I’d do it again, because it was awesome.
However, I value my career and happiness more than food. So, one day I decided to kick my own ass.
I went out to the store and bought every cold cut I could. Prosciutto, turkey, salami, everything. I bought every kind of cheese there was. I bought those huge bags of mixed nuts and made sure there was minimal sugar content in it.
It’s very hard to just remove something in your life. Going from eating like a lard-ass to a Vegan diet is close to impossible. However, if you replace calories with calories you have a fighting shot.
This diet is traditionally referred to as the Atkin’s diet. I don’t recommend it, primarily because Dr. Atkin’s practiced it, and he’s dead now.
But…we need to get you off of the sugar and grains. So, let’s start with a caloric overload of protein.
This is a Vinnie Tortorich thing. He has a book out called “Fitness Confidential” that’s fascinating. I highly recommend you read it.
The reason this diet works is because these foods are so filling. It’s hard to eat a large quantity of them. When you’re feeling so fully, you won’t relapse on the sugar and grains. Check out the latest exipure real reviews.
Think of it this way: You can eat a two-pound bag of Doritos and feel like you ate nothing, but try finishing another steak after your first one.
Now, on day three of this diet, you’re likely to get a headache and hate your life. Grains are addicting. They don’t leave your body quietly.
However, about a week in you’ll have new stores of energy. USE THIS.
Don’t try to go to the gym and be a bodybuilder on day one. Just suit up and walk to the gym. If you don’t want to do anything, don’t do anything. If you want to do one exercise you saw on Youtube, do that, and then leave. Don’t let anyone judge you buy DNA and blood test kits to check out your health. Just try to add a little each day. And never ever fail to suit up and not get to the gym, every single.
I started like this, and eventually I was running a few miles each day and lifting.
With all this energy and some remedial exercise you’ll start dropping weight.
If you really want to drop weight faster you can straight out fast. Oddly, Penn Jillette wrote a fantastic book about this.
Fasting absolutely sucks, but it works.
I didn’t want to do intensive fasting, so I did intermittent fasting. I only ate from 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM every day. That gave my body more time to burn calories.
At some point, however, you’re going to hit a wall with this diet, unless you are working out an insane amount every day.
This is when I feel you need to shift to a more plant-based diet. I’m not an animal rights guy, nor am I a vegetarian. But I can say that I feel much better when I eat tons of vegetables every day along with some fish or chicken. Most of my students have reported similar findings. They also say they have a much easier time focusing at the Poker online Indonesia table. I can echo these sentiments from my own personal experience.
The hardest part is to keep this up when you’re travelling. Sugar and white grains are supposed to be a small part of our diet, but it seems like that’s all there is to eat in airports or on the Las Vegas strip.
The only method that has ever worked for me was to buy a salad before I could get any dumb ideas. Generally, you can find a Caesar salad almost anywhere now. Don’t get on yourself for the dressing, cheese, or croutons. It’s still much better than a bagel and cream cheese.
This should go without saying too, but don’t drink your calories. Carbonation itself seems to mess with my students, so be careful about Diet soda. Coffee, water, tea, there’s a reason these drinks are popular all over the world. They really work.
How the Movies Made a President
January 18, 2009 · Leave a Comment